Aug 11, 2010

rtw quickies #2

- nha trang, in vietnam, is actually pronounced "nhé jen" (the 'e' in 'nhe' is like the one in 'yes').

- there is no concept of queues (lines) in egypt. 

- in asia, it's considered offensive to show the sole of your feet or to touch someone's head. 

- hippos hang out in the water, mate underwater, give birth under water, nurse underwater, feed and defecate underwater. they can stay up to 5 minutes underwater. their closest relatives are the whales. 

- i heard "i've got a feeling", by the black eyed peas every single night i went out. therefore, it's the trip's theme song and a guilty pleasure. 

-- pt -- 

- nha trang, no vietnam, e' pronunciado "nhé jen". 

- no egito, a ideia de fila nao existe.

- na asia e' considerado uma ofensa mostrar a sola dos pes ou tocar na cabeca de alguem. 

- hipopotamos ficam o tempo todo na agua, tem bebes na agua, amamentam na agua, comem e defecam na agua. eles podem ficar ate' 5 minutos embaixo d'agua. seus parentes mais proximos sao as baleias. 

- a musica "i've got a feeling", do black eyed peas, tocou todas as noites que eu sai'. por isso, e' a musica tema da minha viagem e um prazer do qual nao me orgulho.

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