Jun 17, 2010

new phase

ok, i know i promised a lot of new stuff here... the past few weeks i've been organizing information, working on pictures, selecting videos, calculating numbers and trying to fix the layout of the blog (i wasn't very successful with the last one though..) 

so starting tomorrow, i'll try to post something new every two or three days.. and i'm gonna try to use the following categories (as you can see on the sidebar):

planning: the plans for the rtw trip and the next travels as well

faq: the answers to the frequently asked questions about the rtw trip

photos and videos: well..

quickies: mostly one liners, some with useful info, some with curious facts, and a whole lot absolutely useless!

numbers: rtw trip statistics about money, places, people, accommodation, transportation and such

travel journal: transcripts of memorable days taken from my travel journal

highlights: important (or random) moments of the trip

and i guess that's it for now..

any suggestions or questions, please let me know!

--- pt ---

eu sei que prometi muita coisa nova aqui... nas ultimas semanas, estive organizando informacoes, trabalhando em fotos, selecionando videos, calculando numeros e tentando arrumar o layout do blog (nao tive muito sucesso nesse ultimo..)

entao comecando amanha, vou tentar postar alguma coisa a cada dois ou tres dias... e eu vou tentar usar as seguintes categorias (que tambem estao na barra lateral): 

planning: os planos pra grande viagem e para as que ainda virao 

faq: as respostas para as perguntas que semprem me fazem a respeito da viagem

photos e videos: bom.. 

quickies: "rapidinhas", algumas com informacoes uteis, outras com fatos curiosos, e um monte de coisa inutil! 

numbers: estatisticas sobre a viagem, incluindo dinheiro, lugares, pessoas, acomodacoes, transporte etc..

travel journal: transcricoes de dias memoraveis, copiados do meu diario da viagem

highlights: momentos importantes (ou aleatorios) da viagem

e por enquanto e' isso...
qualquer duvida ou sugestoes, me avisem, por favor!

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