Jan 13, 2010

(kinda) done planning

i'm finished with the planning! it's Tminus17 and i'm ready to go... as soon as i get my passport back (it's on the way to get the indian visa now)..

just to keep the flow, here's some more images:

victoria peak, hong kong.. great view of the island.. i'll try and get a nice nightshot just like this..


the taj mahal, in agra (india).. duh!


the big five (leopard, lion, buffalo, rhino, elephant).. it's a hunting reference, and to me, it means "safari in south africa"!


the pyramids of giza, egypt... duh! (part II).


the temple of poseidon (sounion, greece)... my last stop before spain.. and then what?

--- pt ---

acabei o planejamento! faltam 17 dias e eu to pronto pra partir... assim que eu receber meu passaporte de volta (esta no caminho pra conseguir o visto da india)...

so' pra manter o ritmo, mains algumas imagens:

(foto 1)
victoria peak, hong kong.. otima vista da ilha.. eu vou tentar uma foto noturna como essa...

(foto 2)
o taj mahal, em agra (india).. duh!

(foto 3)
os "cinco grandes" (leopardo, leao, bufalo, rinoceronte, elefante).. o nome e' uma referencia de caça, e pra mim, quer dizer "safari na africa do sul"!

(foto 4)
as piramides de giza, egito... duh (parte II).

(foto 5)
o templo de poseidon (sounion, grecia)... minha ultima parada antes da espanha.. e depois, o que mais?

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