Jul 10, 2009


now let me tell you about this amazing little organization i heard of once before, and now that i decided to check on it, i just can't get enough of.. and "little" was only a figure of speech..

i'm talking about couchsurfing.org, and i can't find better words than their own to describe what they are: "CouchSurfing seeks to internationally network people and places, create educational exchanges, raise collective consciousness, spread tolerance, and facilitate cultural understanding."

that is their mission statement, by the way. but there's more:
"As a community we strive to do our individual and collective parts to make the world a better place, and we believe that the surfing of couches is a means to accomplish this goal. CouchSurfing isn't about the furniture- it's not just about finding free accommodations around the world- it's about participating in creating a better world. We strive to make a better world by opening our homes, our hearts, and our lives. We open our minds and welcome the knowledge that cultural exchange makes available. We create deep and meaningful connections that cross oceans, continents and cultures. CouchSurfing wants to change not only the way we travel, but how we relate to the world! "

ok, so what does all that mean? well, it means they have over 1.2 million members from every corner of the world, willing to meet new people from other places, either by offering them a place to stay while visiting their town, or just meeting up for a coffee or a drink, or by traveling and being guests. and by "meeting", i mean exchanging experiences, cultures; introducing friends and places; and sometimes (why not?), just being a nice host or visitor.

i'm talking about them because i plan to use this community as much as i can on my 'round the world trip (which from now on will be referred to as RTWT, it's easier). just studying the site changed my whole perspective on how and why i should travel..

it's just crazy how this things happen..

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